日本財団 図書館


Train radio: Used between train dispatchers and train crews for information such as briefings, etc. There are three kinds of train radio systems: [Simplex] , [Duplex] and [Semi-duplex].
(2) CTC (Centralized Traffic Control)
CTC equipment allows train dispatchers in CTC centers to understand the train operating conditions within a railway division and perform direct remote control for each station route according to the train diagram.
CTC center equipment includes centralized control panels, display panels, train number display units, train diagram recorders and other devices. However, auxiliary control panels are installed at each station for use in the event of a CTC system failure. The aims and effects of introducing CTC are as follows.
a. Labor-saving for operation related duties at stations
All route setting is performed by remote control from CTC centers, making operation related duties formerly performed at each station unnecessary.
b. Increasing traffic control swiftness and accuracy
The latest train position and open route conditions are displayed in real time at CTC centers. Therefore, train dispatchers do not have to gather information to understand operating conditions. This facilitates comprehensive and accurate judgment when trains are delayed or when other trouble occurs, and the swift issuance of commands.
The basic format for train running control duties after introducing CTC is shown in Fig. 13. With this system, train positions and routes can be understood in real time, train numbers are shown with train number display units, and train dispatchers and drivers can communicate directly using train radios.
In addition, the introduction of microcomputer-based PRC (Programmed Route Control) adds automatic route control, operation adjustment, passenger guidance broadcast, train guidance display unit control and other functions. As a result, train dispatchers are liberated from route setting duties and may concentrate exclusively on running control duties.
Wind speed, earthquake, rainfall, fallen rock and other alarms are also indicated by display units, providing valuable information for operating restrictions.





